Friday, March 12, 2010


Rough Day. Took two back to back full stop outs in the 6E. Just got caught in chop that didn't want to go my way. Everything was textbook, but that doesn't make big losses much more palatable. And worse, it really makes the entire week look like outright failure. The results are simple, two losses, a bunch of pars and not one win make for bad outcomes.

The only good thing in all of this is that if I was being judged on execution of my trade plan it was truly a flawless week. Not one screw up. If only that correlated a bit more closely to trade outcome...

Trade Results:
2 Trades, 2 Losses
Gross P/L: $-200/per

Weekly Results:
Gross P/L: $-156.25/per
Net P/L After Commissions: $-188.95/per
Win/Loss: 0%
Win+Par/Loss: 67%
Profit Factor: .000


Guardiangel said...

200 loss per that means ur stop loss is 10 ticks on the 6E?

TST said...


Thanks for your advise yesterday..

Matt, pls have a look at CL chart this past 5 days..

Matt said...

I have a 8 tick initial stop in the 6E.

8 ticks = 100.00/per.

Guardiangel said...

just curious, do u double on the 6b since its 6.25 per tick?

Matt said...

No, I use 8 ticks in all markets. I don't mind this as i'm trading off of range charts so the risk of each trade becomes "normalized" by the constant range of each bar.

Guardiangel said...

but lets your profit target is 8 ticks as well and for example there are 3 trades a day. so thats 24 ticks.
if all trade set ups appeared on the 6E u would have 300 while on the 6B only 150. won't it be better to trade 2 contracts on the 6B instead of one?

i don't mean double the 8 ticks i mean like doubling your position size sorry for the confusion